Monday, August 23, 2010

Back To Me.....

This is a short post.....because I'm excited about something I just did. I just got my class schedule to start back to school and I am really excited. School was always a really important to me and I always wanted to get finish. Well, when my recent long term relationship ended, I crawled into a whole; blocking myself from the things I thought were so important. I had to ask myself a very serious question: "did you decide to go back to school because you thought that is what he wanted?". He encouraged me every step of the way and I think I started because I wanted to make him proud. But, as I got back into it, I remembered how much I loved school and I was doing it for me.

Well, since we split, I have had to deal with the emotional side of losing someone that was so very special and important in my life. So, I had to put school aside for a few months. Now, I am in no way over him, however, I have begun to deal with the emotions that I have kept hidden from most people. I will never forget you for being there for me that night, Ms. Sin Sational!

Now, I am starting to get back to me. I will admit, I am a better person having been with him and loved him and learned from him. He taught me so very much about who I want to be as a person, but he also taught me about the person that I don't want to be. I will talk more about us later, just not ready now. Just know that he and I were great together and I after I sort out all of the feelings, I am sure that in the end I will still have nothing but the utmost respect and love for him. Right now......I just can't see, talk, hear from, deal with, or know anything about him. I'm getting back to me and part of that means removing as much of him as I can.

Anyway, I am really excited about getting school going again and that is the purpose of this post. To share in that elation!!

Speaking of Back to Me.......that is also the name of Fantasia's new CD that hits stores tomorrow, For Real.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cookie,
    Remember girl, we make ourselves happy in what we set out to do for us. Truly, and it isnt selfish, but may come off that way at times. Its those times at night when you're vulnerable and wondering, what to do and how to move forward that you truly have that deep conversation with yourself and have true insight and reflection. Listen to yourself and move with your gut and heart. Logic will play a huge role in your decisions so listen there as well. I remember when I was at that same junction in my life, and many times find myself there now. You have to remember that you are cookie with or without, and by being true to your destiny, you are being true to self. I believe that, you will have support along the way, and are surrounded by and abundance of loving people, so plunge :)
    I am happy for you to be back in school also, I remember you talking about school one time on line with me and you were estatic about it. Get there again, and your happiness will continue to follow you. And, regardless of what folks say, relationships are sometimes engrained so deep, and are never easy to just get over, give yourself that time, and move at your rate. What rule or policy says you have to get over it in a day, week, month, year, etc....
    Love ya cookie,
    Alexys Champagne
    (performer extrodinare) LOL



God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...