Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Still Blessed.....and I say Thank you!

In anticipation of my travels to see my family for Thanksgiving, I started thinking about what I would write for Thanksgiving in my blog. I was searching for the right Maya Angelou quote to get my creative juices flowing. I went to my usual places but did not find just the right thing that would express what I am most thankful for. Well, I sure am glad that I did not start writing this before tonight, November 22, 2012, the night before Thanksgiving, because there is no way I could have written about the somewhat overwhelming amount of love I am feeling being with my family.

So, my first “thank you” to God is that I was able to visit my family and be among the ones that love me most. My mother, whose unconditional love continues to lift me beyond what I think is even imaginable…..I love you and thank God for you.

My Aunt, Annmarie Smith, for always knowing that I am now and forever will be “Shoonky”. We don’t talk nearly enough, but I’m happy that the love is not based on the number of times a call is made or a Facebook status update is “Liked”. I love you dearly.

My dad….for being there just in time and any time before that means nothing to me. I’m proud of you and love you.

My brothers and sisters for not letting the fact that we are just really getting to know each other stop the love we feel each and every time I am among you. I am so incredibly proud of all of you and love you without condition for exactly who and what you all are now and will become with the grace of God.

The new man in my life….I am thankful that God has brought you and your family into my life and I am looking forward to the journey with you all. I am proud of you for being such a great and hardworking father. Through the stress and the mess please know that you’re blessed. You inspire me and I love you.

My cousins, way too many to name, for being “ride or die” no matter what and always there with words of encouragement and for being some of the first to say to me “We already knew you were gay, we were just waiting for you to say something….with yo gay ass!” LOL…..Love you all for holding my hand through that process at points in my life when you didn’t even realize you were doing it. Much love to all of you!

So……I did just find a quote that explains why I should be thankful and why I spend my life trying to do good for others. It’s, of course, a quote from Dr. Maya Angelou:

While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember every one else and everything else are also God's creation.

What that means to me is that I owe it to God to do good and to be the rainbow in someone’s cloudy day. I have had plenty of people step in to be my rainbow and I have never forgotten that. That quote also makes me reflect on those that are less fortunate than I am. I will sit among family and friends and feel a tremendous amount of love. My belly will be stuffed with mac and chees, collard greens and neckbones, cornbread and all sorts of cakes and pies and other goodies…..someone else will sit outside in the cold with nothing. I was blessed enough to wake up this morning, someone else had family crying over their bodies because they have gone on to glory.

For those things….I say thank you God. For choosing me to continue to be in your grace and for continuing to help me work some good in someone’s life even if it’s just a smile and “Good morning” . Thank you for helping me to understand that whatever I am or will ever be in this life will be done in your will and by your grace. I pray that you will continue to help those people out there that are less fortunate than me…..or who may be dealing with addictions…..or has a broken heart that will not heal. God, please continue to look over those affected with disease that keeps their bodies in pain, please keep their souls at ease.

Finally, God….please continue to be the head of my life. I am pretty proud of the way I live and I think I do a pretty good job at showing others the love and blessings that I am so very lucky to have and God I know that all that I have comes only from your grace. Thank you for bringing me from where I’ve been and helping me to choose the right things to do in life and when I made the wrong choices, thank you for turning those in the lessons learned…….afterall, there is no Testimony without a TEST. God, keep reminding me that without you in my life nothing is possible. I just want to take the time to say thank you for my life.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and keep it blessed!


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...