Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This is Cookie......For Real.

What did I know about a break up anyway? I will get to that later. I think it is only right that I start with introducing myself to anyone that is the least bit interested in knowing who this is. Be warned, I barely know who this is so I will tell you what I have found out so far. I am not sure.

Where do I start? I don’t want to give too much away too quickly, I am hoping to find some things out by doing this so I will share more as we go along. I have been through some things in my life, as we all have, and I want to share in hopes of finding out if I am really the only person to ever go through this.

I am from Massachusetts originally but when I was a boy, around 6, we moved down South to Jackson, Mississippi then finally to Memphis when I was 12. I graduated in 1992 and decided to join the Navy. My best friend was doing it so I decided to as well. I did not know what I was going to do, but I was getting the hell out of Memphis. He ended up hating it and I stayed in for 8 years. I have been to quite a few places; the Gulf, Japan, Korea, Africa, Australia, Singapore……a pretty amazing journey.

I came to live in Seattle after being accepted to go to the Naval Justice School in Newport, RI. I was stationed over in Bremerton and Bangor doing legal assistance for both bases. I got out of the Navy because I was in love and was tired of hiding myself. Although, most people that I worked with knew I was gay and were cool with it, I just hated the policy. That was 2000 that I got out.

I met my ex in 2002 and had a wonderful relationship with him. However, in February of this year we decided that we should split. Not for any of the normal gay dramatic reasons, just literally had different ideas about the future together and as individuals. The break-up was great (as far as break-ups go). Lots of tears, but no drama. We continued to live together and be together until he left going back to the East Coast on April 14 and I moved into my new place on Cap Hill on April 17. It’s cool to be around all of my friends. They helped me to get through and continue to do so. Lord knows I need the help, for real.

We still talk via email because we have a house and our conversations are limited to the house, at this point. I do think we will always be friends. However this last weekend has made me rethink what the hell I thought I knew. What do I know about breaking up? I am a Cancer…..we are loyal….to a fault. For Real.

Now, I am on the dating scene and it seems strange. I thought I was ready to call myself dating, but I tell you, I am not so sure. I don’t think I have the emotional capacity for it. Before my previous relationship, I loved going out and clubbing and drinking. I still do those things, but in moderation. I play sports (softball and volleyball) and will pick up tennis. I am on the executive board for the softball league as the Membership Director, which ties in to what I do professionally as Human Resources.

I have a massive amount of things I love to do. Most of them, I don’t even know about, I am sure. I love music first and foremost. Old School R&B……I could listen to all day (the O’jays, The Spinners, Teddy Pendergrass). But, when I hit the club, I love to kick it and get my dance on.

Well, that is me in a nutshell……Cookie…..For Real!


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...