Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Purrrrfect Crush

I want to kiss you…..shadow you jaw-like against touch,
Touch you sent like musk
Salt water and seafoam clean
I Want to kiss you near God
Or, amongst strangers and I dare either to stop me
Keep me
I Want to kiss you bitter,
Tired of waiting….wondering
Want to kiss you empty, steady as forever
Small as favor……
Maybe, kiss the curve where shoulder meets neck
Or, silk of throat or back of neck….
Perhaps, scruff of chin
Inside elbows, wrists……then rest
Smooth of chest…..your Back
Hip to hip….
Dip of belly
I want to hold you entwined like vows
Palm against palm
Fingers laced and waiting
I want to kiss you unbroken
Before too many hearts snap like dried and dead things
This longing, like fire….like hunger….like nothing before or since
Just one….small, solitary kiss… questions….no worries….no words
Just a kiss…..quiet, quick, subtle, silent…..Just one….it will probably speak volumes

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What a year so far......

What a great perspective so are....right? I toasted in the new with with a bunch of people that I really did not know. I knew my hosts, Jeff and Tim...and I really appreciate them for having me. I am soooooo very optimistic about what lies ahead for me. Nope, I did not get some really great news between now, 2:50am, January 1, 2011 and the last time I posted something on my Facebook page on December 31, 2010. However, I made a new friend or two and I had a chance to speak to a friend that may have had just as hard a year as anyone else. During that conversation, I think I saw what an example of forgiveness and true remorse looks like. I was impressed. So, as candid as I can be...and I really hate to be this cryptic.....I will say to my friend, you are really off to a good start and thank you for sharing with me.

I am live better than I have ever lived before. To be a better friend, son, nephew, uncle, cuzzin and lover. To make the best decisions, no matter how difficult, that will make me a better person. And, when I fail, I am resolved to forgive myself for falling short because, it will happen. So, bring on 2011, with all of it's unexpectedness and predictability, because...I am resolved. For Real.

Enough said.....


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...