Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ready For Love

Ready for Love….standing here steady for Love, but love can’t seem to find me. When I think cupid’s arrow is pointing my way, it hits the person behind me. You see, I think Cupid is blind…ya, see? But, no more Toni Braxton’s “Another Sad Love Song”.....no more lonely nights or weekends and he’s always there when I need him. With a smile so bright, that every time he parts his lips to smile he can cause an eclipse. His kisses are sweeter than triple chocolate fudge with a cherry on top. I tell you, this man I got…...he never disrespects me, he just lets me….be me. I’d wash his feet like Jesus, because like Lazarus, he brought me back from the dead. I could never deny him or verbally crucify him, I just want to be by him.

In every sense of the word I need him. No need checking my DNA, I’d bleed him; Turn me into Stevie Wonder and I’d still see him; Cut off my oxygen and I’ll still breathe him. I just gotta be near him. Make me deaf and dumb and I’ll still hear him. In love I gave up and had no luck and just like Humpty Dumpty I fell off that great wall and I’m all broke up. When I mention his name I’ll get all choked up and tongue twisted. To him, I am addicted.

And, when we are in private quarters, I follow all his orders and like Coming to America’s Prince Akeem, he sho know how to make my Soul Glo. He’s my Russell Crowe, he's a Gladiator and he has a Beautiful Mind.

God must have heard my prayers when I sent them above. I’m so happy I was ready and prepared for love.


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...