Friday, December 19, 2014

Starting Over.....

It’s just not right. How I can come so far and be happy with who I ARE and allow myself to be changed.

It’s just not right. How I allowed myself to be redefined when I had been still searching for me when WE became.

It’s just not right. How I set aside the light that shined in ME for the whole world to SEE just to transform into who you wanted me to BE. Cookie who?

It’s just not right….but, I loved B. too.

It’s just not right. How you thought it should be enough for me…. to have just you and she, and that I can find in you what I was missing in the uneventful life I had come to know. That’s my bad.

It’s just not right. How you loved me….the best way you knew how….but it wasn’t enough.

It’s just not right. How I loved you more than myself and it turned me resentful and angry and sad and pathetic and FAT!

The sad part is……It was all my fault.

I blame myself for allowing the change.

I blame myself for my redefining.

I blame myself for the dimmed light.

I’m still glad I loved B.

I blame myself for not being fulfilled.

I blame myself for not demanding more from your love.

I blame ME for what I allowed it to do to ME.

But, Today....I’m starting over…….


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...