Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Reality of Friendship or The Living Eulogy

The Reality
At the Funeral: I can’t believe that he is gone, I mean…..I just saw him yesterday at Starbucks. He always had such a great attitude and a smile that lit up the sky. No….I didn’t have a chance to say hello, I was on my way to….in fact, I haven’t talked to him in months. Oh, Remember that time when we all went to……Damn, I wish I had just one more chance to tell him how much I love him.

Kind words are wasted on the dead. Of course, they make us smile as we drift into memory and look back on the many times that we’ve shared; remembering all of the intricacies and nuances….the things about them that we loved so much. The very things that drew us into their world to begin with and drew them into ours. One of the magnificent things about God’s glory is that every single day that we are blessed to see another day break, we have a chance to celebrate those people in our lives. We have the chance to share those words with each other that make us so happy to know the ones in our lives. The reality, it is hard to keep up with every single person you know. When you have life happening around you, it’s difficult to sometimes even keep up with your own day to day grind.

The Friendship
You may meet someone and instantly, in that moment, you know that you will be best friends forever. Other friendships develop over an extended period of time. In some friendships you feel a sense of equality, while in others there may be a clear sense that one is giving more to the friendship then the other. There are no rules about how a friendship is supposed to work. If we are able to share our lives with another human being, by all means, we should do that. All friendships are unique and special in their own way. Each one is valuable. Friends help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have the absolute and total freedom to be yourself and especially to feel whatever is in the moment for you to feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he or she really is. I have that sort of friendship with a handful of people that I am absolutely able to be vulnerable and real with and share my emotions with.

Time is not on our side when it comes to sharing love…it’s a race against the clock. I don’t want another minute to go by without me letting Troy Z know that when I was going through a bad relationship, it was his texts, calls and words of love that helped me get out and heal. The sunshine you bring to my life helps me grow. I don’t want Jared W to go another day without knowing just how important his mere presence is to me. Erik and Cesario B, shouldn’t go another moment without understanding how much I appreciate finding sanctuary in their home and hearts in the good times and the bad times. Eminent S…..she should know, today, that your soul inspires me. Jessica C has to know that her love releases me into my truth every time I see, talk or text you. Jim H, please recognize that the truth you share with me allows me to share my truth with you…weather you like it or not (LOL). Jacob S, please remember that in the moments that I am down or happy or indifferent, when I see you I smile. David K, you will always be my one true love which makes the friendship that much sweeter. Thanks for making it easy. Jean and's been years, the history will keep us connected forever.

I refuse to waste these words at a funeral… all deserve to know now. I won’t eulogize you and let everyone else know how great you are.

You need to know now….For Real!

1 comment:


God doesn't answer prayers, but what He will do is present an opportunity to us that will allow our prayers to be answered. One of the ...